Orbital UAV’s Response to COVID-19

Like many businesses in Australia, the USA and around the world, Orbital UAV is closely monitoring business risks presented by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The physical wellbeing and mental health of all our employees is a priority. At our facilities in Perth, Western Australia and Hood River, Oregon we have implemented measures to minimise the risk of contracting and spreading the virus and are providing additional support where necessary.
Measures include:
- Regular employee updates and the roll out of our Impact Implementation Plan;
- Adopting a working from home policy where possible;
- Implementing social distancing measures within all facilities;
- Providing additional resources such as hand sanitiser and cleaning equipment; and
- Communication of health and hygiene guidelines from relevant government agencies.
Customers, Suppliers and Contractors
Our sites in Australia and the USA remain fully operational and continue to manufacture as normal.
In the USA, Orbital UAV operates within the Defense Industrial Base and is therefore considered part of the Critical Infrastructure Sector – as defined by the US Department of Homeland Security.
At both our operations, all non-essential meetings and site visits with customers, suppliers and contractors have been cancelled. Where business critical engagements must go ahead, all measures are being taken to ensure government health guidelines are followed.
As an advanced aerospace manufacturer supplying global defence prime contractors, our product demand remains unaffected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
We continue to deliver on our production commitments and are focused on managing and supporting our global supply chain where necessary.
Delivery of our products continues through our established logistics providers, and contingency plans have been implemented should our current channels of delivery be impacted.
Orbital UAV will continue to support the public health effort to minimise the spread of COVID-19 and will provide further external updates where necessary.